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How to make an appointment?​


You can make an appointment directly by clicking on the link,_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ Make an appointment   or by calling 054-765 32 49.


Refund and Kupat Holim


The psychologist in private practice is not reimbursed by the Kupat Holim. Nevertheless, some sessions can be taken in charge of additional insurance.


​How do I know which therapy me suits ?


Together and during the first appointment, we set up a therapeutic strategy, according to your needs.


Is there a medical or professional secret?


The psychologist is subject to a code of ethics which  explicitly provides for the need to respect the confidentiality of the psychological interview. 


Can I make an appointment for someone else?


It is quite possible to make an appointment for a third party personne. Nevertheless, it is important that it wants to be taken care of for the therapy to be beneficial.


Is a canceled appointment due?


All cancellations must be notified at least 48 hours in advance, except in cases of emergency. Otherwise, the session will have to be paid for.


Can I do a session every two weeks?


The frequency is to be defined together according to needs and financial capacities but there is  no obligation to do one session per week.


How does a session with a minor take place?


Un preliminary time is granted to the parent to explain the reasons which led him to request therapy for his child. This will be received alone or accompanied depending on their age. 

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